Championing The Way With Neurodivergent Language

Clinicians, Physicians, and Autism: Navigating Support and Understanding

Championing The Way With Neurodivergent Affirming Language

Neurodivergent affirming language means using words and phrases that recognise and respect individuals with autism. Language changes over time, and terms that were okay in the past may not be acceptable now. Neurodivergent-affirming language is the kind of language preferred by the neurodivergent community and this is why it is important to stay informed about language updates that are considered to be more appealing to families and individuals with autism.

At our Autism Assessment Centres, we are committed to championing neurodivergent-inclusive language. Our aim is to provide families with a sense of empowerment and control of their own environment. By maintaining the right culture during assessments from the right people with the right skills and knowledge, it builds better relationships with children and families to ensure comfortable and accurate assessments.

Miren Goikoetxea, Project Manager of our Autism Assessment Centre says:

We pride ourselves in completing high-quality reports that are needs and strengths-based for each young person that attends our clinic. This ensures they know we understand them and are focused on each individual and their unique needs.

How To Be A Neurodiversity Champion

Championing The Way With Neurodivergent Language

Respect, Dignity and Inclusivity

Using appropriate language helps in respecting the identities and experiences of neurodivergent individuals. It affirms their individuality, rather than reducing them to their conditions. Neurodivergent language promotes inclusivity by ensuring that communication is accessible to everyone, regardless of their neurological differences. This helps in creating an environment where families and individuals feel valued and dignified within their communities. Our Autism Assessment Centres always ensure we portray the language that demonstrates this and we support families in respectful ways while guiding them through our assessment process.

Reducing Stigma and Creating Empowerment

When neurodivergent individuals see their experiences and identities reflected accurately and respectfully in language, it can boost their self-esteem and sense of belonging. Our team will always listen to and support the children and families who come to us to ensure they feel empowered and cared for. By using neurodivergent-affirming language, it helps to reduce the stigma associated with neurological differences. It challenges stereotypes and misconceptions as well as promoting a more accurate understanding of neurodivergence.

Education and Awareness

Appropriate language raises awareness which can lead to better support systems, policies, and practices that accommodate neurodivergent individuals. Neurodivergent language is a tool for advocacy. Our clinicians are experts in their field and bring with them years of experience, advanced skills, and an outstanding knowledge base. This helps in advancing the rights and interests of individuals, pushing for societal changes that recognise and accommodate neurological diversity.

The Double Empathy Problem and Mismatched Communication

The double-empathy problem (DEP) suggests that miscommunications between autistic and nonautistic people mainly happen because both sides struggle to understand each other, not because autistic people have social communication problems. Mismatched communication between neurodivergent and non-neurodivergent individuals often stems from differences in processing and expressing information. Neurodivergent individuals may prefer direct and clear communication, while non-neurodivergent people might rely on social cues, implied meanings, or non-verbal signals. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of being unheard on both sides. Effective communication requires mutual understanding and the willingness to adapt to each other’s communication styles, fostering an inclusive environment.

Autistic Individual Challenges

  • Understanding social cues.
  • Understanding hidden meanings.
  • Managing sensory distractions.

Non-Autistic Individual Challenges

  • Understanding differences in how communication is perceived.
  • Interpreting intentions of individuals with autism.
  • Approaching interactions as different as opposed to lacking.

Examples of Neurodivergent Affirming Language

Using language approved by the community helps fight stigma and obstacles. When discussing autism in general, use the language recommended by the community. The use of neurodivergent language is crucial in fostering a society that values diversity, promotes equity, fosters awareness and ensures that everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

We are proud to be at the forefront of promoting neurodivergent-inclusive language. By setting high standards and pioneering change, we demonstrate our commitment to creating a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone. Embracing neurodivergent language not only reflects our values but also ensures that all voices are heard and valued. We believe that by championing the way, we can inspire other organisations to follow suit, fostering a more inclusive society for all.

Find out more about how our Autism Assessment Services can support your family.

The Importance of Early Intervention for Children with Autism

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
The Importance of Early Intervention for Children with Autism

The Importance of Early Intervention for Children with Autism

Every child should have the best possible chance of leading a full, happy and healthy life, especially those diagnosed with autism. Early diagnosis can lead to the best outcomes for parents and the child involved, such as improved learning and proper guidance. There are many types of methods that are used and a range of advantages that show the importance of early interventions for children with autism.

What early intervention is and the methods used

This can be described as the early diagnosis of autism and treating it with a range of services or therapies which aims to improve developmental outcomes. This is carried out with the support of professionals and caregivers through:

  • Applied Behaviour Analysis Therapy (ABA): Based on principles of behaviourism. Breaks complex skills down into smaller, manageable parts, making situations less stressful and confusing.
  • Speech Therapy: This aims to help children who struggle with communication to improve their language skills.
  • Occupational Therapy: Aims to improve a child’s motor skills and self-care skills such as using utensils and dressing themselves.
  • Special Education: Structured learning in a supportive environment such as mainstream schools, specialised schools, and through home-based programmes.

Servisource has occupational therapists, psychologists, and speech and language therapists on our roster. This means we have the right people with the right skills and knowledge not only to conduct assessments but to also build relationships with children, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and accurate assessment.

Servisource’s Autism Assessment Centre

By going through our assessment process, you can see if your child might have a autism.

This helps you to gain the following:
• Peace of mind
• Knowledge
• Advice
• Support

  • Peace of mind: Whatever the outcome, just knowing more can bring comfort.
  • Knowledge: A greater understanding of your child’s specific needs.
  • Advice: Practical advice on how to better help and support your child.
  • Support: Access to a range of ‘next step’ support and information.

There are several benefits from these methods which include:

Improved learning abilities

Autism affects the development of communication and social interaction, leading to certain characteristics in learning and adapting to new situations. By recognising autism early, this means targeted support can be provided for children. It allows them to reach an academic and social high performance by focusing on developing communication. They can then feel more secure within their learning environment, giving them the tools to interact successfully with their peers and teachers.

The impact of this extends beyond the children themselves as families can also benefit from increased education and support. It can advise families on the best methods to use for interacting with their child in relation to education and school situations. This gives children the best possible start in their education.

Provides guidance

It provides guidance in terms of finding the right resources, support options, and educational programs for families. They can then receive targeted support, such as behavioral therapy and skills training at a crucial developmental stage. It allows children to receive treatment before their behaviors worsen over time and gives them a guide on how to interact with the world around them.

Parents can learn how to better support their child’s needs and receive emotional support during this time. It can help them navigate the challenging road ahead and allow them to become better equipped in relation to their child’s future and what they might encounter.

Did You Know?

Around 1,548 autism classes and early intervention classes have been set up across all primary schools throughout the 2022-23 school year.

This demonstrates schools’ commitment to providing inclusive education.

Girl smiling and The Importance of Early Intervention for Children with Autism

Reduces stress

Autism can be a challenging condition for both families and the child. However, recognising it early and its characteristics, can play a significant role in reducing stress for both parties. It can help children with autism improve communication skills, self-regulation, and reducing communication distress. As a result, families can feel a sense of relief and reassurance, and be better equipped to cope with the challenges of raising their child.

Parents can gain advice on how to cope in relation to certain obstacles that might occur around daily tasks such as getting ready for school and interacting with siblings. This will make life easier for everyone and create a more peaceful and loving home.

The Importance of Early Intervention for Children with Autism

Our above guide aims to reassure and give parents the knowledge to choose the methods that best fit the unique needs of their child. It should be seen as an important part of each child’s overall health care plan. With the proper resources and support from medical professionals and parents, children with autism can feel hopeful about their future prospects. This, in turn, helps them to thrive within their home and education environment.

Find out more about our Autism Assessment Services.