Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our frequently asked questions below. If you would prefer to speak to an Autism Assessment Centre advisor, contact us today.
What is the price of the assessments, how do we pay and does our insurance cover this?
As we offer multiple assessments, we can discuss this with you in the initial phone consultation and give you a full price list according to your needs.
Once the services are agreed upon, we create an invoice for you. Payment can be done in instalments and is made through bank transfer.
If you think your insurance may cover the cost/some of the cost, we advise you to check directly with your insurance. If they request any additional details, we can provide these for you.
Can I access services after the assessments are complete?
Services will vary depending on the outcome of the assessments – our recommendations will be based according to diagnosis. Our reports are to a HSE standard, so any service recommended by the clinical team can be accessed after the report is released. Our clinical team can go into more detail with you, and this will be discussed on the parental feedback session once the report is complete.
My child is 2 years old; can I get an assessment?
Although some children may receive a diagnosis around that age, most clinicians won’t see children for an autism assessment before the age of 3 years. Children develop at different paces and some may be delayed in their development as there are many variables that could impact a child’s social communication development. We need to give some children time to develop first before jumping to an autism assessment.
What is the waiting time for assessments?
Our waiting time can vary, depending on each month. We can inform you of the current wait list on the initial phone consultation. Usually, our waiting time is approximately two months.
If my child has any other conditions/diagnoses, for example – ADHD, will this be picked up through the autism assessments and written in the report?
The assessments can determine an autism diagnosis, but they are not designed to make another diagnosis. Although, if the clinicians feel there is something else going on, for example ADHD, they will write a recommendation to advise that there are signs, and that it should be investigated further.
Can I get access to school supports?
Yes, educational supports are recommended by our clinical team.
Where are you based?
We are currently based in Ireland and opening in the UK in 2025.